My daily routine is similar to resort living that my mom dreams about enjoying herself. I get breakfast in bed (for that matter all meals) and I get to sleep in. When I get bored, I draw attention with carefully nuanced vocal emanations, which usually result in visual or audio entertainment becoming available. (enough already with that Bach... don't my parents listen to Rihanna or something..also, what is it with all those black and white squares for shapes, don't they watch MTV?). Every now and then, I get a nice massage from my mom and I get tucked into a warm bed. I am beginning to wonder what the attraction of growing up is.. (I constantly hear my dad mumbling about global warming, global unrest and impending doom... I don't fully understand the import of those but they don't sound too appealing..).
Anyways, signing out for now. Check out my latest photos here, and when my dad gets around to uploading all the videos to YouTube, I will provide a link to those as well. He said something about the YouTube picture quality not being HD, but I suspect the real reason is that he has not figured out how to upload the videos yet.
Here is a recent picture of me. Feel free to focus your spotlight on me. My sister got enough attention for 4 years :-)

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